Blue Grama是本地人, 常年, 温暖的季节, short grass that seldom grows taller than 12 to 20 inches. Blue Grama reproduces only by seed, and as the seed heads mature, they usually bend into a curve that resembles a human eyebrow. It produces a low basal type growth that forms a bunchy sod. Blue Grama is grown throughout the Great Plains and is found in association with buffalograss in the short grass prairies. It is more drought resistant and tolerates alkali conditions better than sideoats Grama. Blue Grama produces highly palatable, nutritious forage that retains its feed value into the winter. Blue Grama does not produce an abundance of forage, and should not be grazed loser than 2 to 3 inches during the growing season.
- 区域种植区
- 2 - California Coastal, 3 .南山, 4 -山, 5 .中西部, 6 .东北湖泊, 南五大湖, 10 .南佛罗里达, 11 -南德克萨斯, 12 -西南
- 美元A Plant Hardiness 区s
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- 温度带
- Warm, Cool, Transitional
- 高度
- 12" - 20"
- 开花时间
- 夏天
- 花的颜色
- 黄色的
- 叶子的颜色
- 灰绿
- 生长周期
- 常年
- 增长的习惯
- Bunch-Type
- 太阳的要求
- 充足的阳光
- 种植季节
- 秋天-早春
- 植物的深度
- 0.25" - 0.5"
- Minimum Soil Temp for Germination
- 50° F
- 建立
- 温和的
- 每磅种子数
- 750,000
- 王国
- 植物界
- 门
- 超级部门
- 部门
- 被子植物门
- Class
- 百合纲
- 子类
- 鸭跖草亚纲
- 订单
- 莎草科
- 家庭
- 禾本科
- 属
- 物种
覆盖范围 & 可用的大小
Blue grama is an excellent choice for erosion control when used as a component in warm season grasses mixes in the short- grass regions of the country. Blue grama has been used as a low-maintenance turfgrass as well as surface revegetation following mining operations.
In southern areas of the U.S. blue grama is primarily a bunchgrass. Under heavy grazing and in more northern states is can form a sod.