Sweetlix® | 牲畜补充剂

SWEETLIX 4 fly-lyx 20 AN with CLARIFLY


74117 4Fly-Lyx™ 20 AN with ClariFly-74117

Call for pricing availability –
(800) 375 – 4613


非常美味, 20% protein supplement designed to be fed to beef 牛 on good to medium quality forages to help improve forage utilization. Provides essential supplemental nutrients in a self-fed, controlled form. Contains ClariFly fly control to prevent the emergence of house flies, 角飞, face flies and stable flies from manure of treated 牛.

ClariFly is a registered trademark of Wellmark International

钙,Min 1.00%
磷,Min 1.00%
镁,Min 1.00%
铬,最小10 ppm
锰,最低1330 ppm
硒,最小6 ppm
维生素A,最少80000 IU/lb
维生素D-3,最少8,000 IU/lb
维生素E,最少100 IU/lb


1 -西北海岸, 2 -加州海岸, 3 .南山, 4 -山, 5 .中西部, 6 .东北湖泊, 南五大湖, 8 -阿帕拉西亚, 9 -东南, 10 .南佛罗里达, 11 -南德克萨斯, 12 -西南
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

如何使用 & 应用

Provide 4 Fly-LyxTM 20 AN with ClariFly as a free choice source of minerals for your 牛. 按指示使用时, it will provide sufficient ClariFly to inhibit fly emergence from the manure of treated 牛. Existing adult flies will not be affected. Start feeding this product early in the spring before flies begin to appear and continue feeding throughout the summer and into the fall until cold weather restricts fly activity. 允许牛自由选择. Cattle should consume an average of 0.8 oz of 4 Fly-LyxTM 20 AN with ClariFly per 100 lbs of animal body weight per day which is equivalent to 8 oz. 对于一头1000磅重的牛来说. To open: Remove top plastic cover sheet and score several times with a knife to encourage initial consumption.
1. Assure that 牛 are not starved for nutrients prior to feeding this block.
2. This product contains added copper. Do not feed to sheep and other species that have a low tolerance to supplemental copper. Do not use in association with feeds containing supplemental selenium.
3.Offer 牛 one 4 Fly-LyxTM 20 AN with ClariFly for every 15-25 head.
4. Remove all other self limiting nutritional supplements.
5. Locate 4 Fly-LyxTM 20 AN with ClariFly where 牛 congregate (watering, loafing, shade areas).

6. Replenish 4 Fly-LyxTM 20 AN with ClariFly on a regular basis as needed.
7. If intake of this block is below 0.8 oz. per 100 lbs animal body weight per day for 牛, increase the number of feeding locations and/or
change locations to areas more frequented by 牛. If intake of this block is above 0.8 oz per 100 lbs animal body weight per day for
牛, reduce the number of feeding locations and/or change locations to areas less frequented by 牛.
8. Introduction of this product after adult fly infestation is established may require treatment of 牛 with supplemental sprays to reduce
the adult fly population coming from outside sources.



Provide 4 Fly-LyxTM 20 AN with ClariFly as a free choice source of minerals for your 牛.

增长导 & 画廊

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